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ISCommunications Co., Ltd.President Park Sang-Wook
Telesales No.: 2021-Busan Sasang-gu-0833
Business Registration : 605-81-38256 No.1010, Busan Digital Valley, 303, Daedong-ro, Sasang-gu, Busan, Rep. of Korea
Tel : 051-731-6601| Fax : 051-731-6604
ⓒ 2016 by Iscommunications.Co.,Ltd.
All Rights Reserved.

※ 본 기술은 정부의 스마트상점 기술보급사업
으로 지원 받아 제작

Iz Communications (hereinafter referred to as "company") complies with the Personal Information Protection Act, the Communications and Secrets Protection Act, the Telecommunications Business Act, and the Information and Communication Network Promotion and Information Protection Act. The "Company" intends to inform you of the purpose and method of using personal information provided by users through this Privacy Policy and what measures are being taken to protect personal information.

 1. Purpose of collecting and using personal information, items and methods of collecting personal information
  a. Personal information refers to information about a person who is alive that can be identified (including information that can easily be combined with other information, even if that person cannot be identified by that information alone).
  b. "Company" uses the collected personal information for the following purposes:
 1) Matters concerning membership and communication: identification of members, prevention of fraudulent membership, confirmation of intention to join, age verification, counseling and handling of grievances, guidance on announcements, etc.
 2) Matters concerning the provision of contents and services: payment, use of services by individuals and corporation operators, settlement of sales proceeds, certification of self-certification and financial services, etc. in financial transactions, etc.
 3) Matters concerning events, marketing, and data surveys: information on events and publicity, statistical surveys on service use, etc.
 4) Other services, etc.
  a. "Company" collects the following personal information for the purposes specified above:
 1) Common: name, email, nickname, profile photo, gender, birthday, age group
 2) Uploader: Company name, business registration number, CEO name, company phone number, postal code, address, contact name, mobile phone number in charge, telecommunication business report number, profit deposit account information (bank name, account number, depositor)
 3) Information such as service usage records, access logs, cookies, connection IP information, connection environment (browser, OS, etc.), inflow path, payment records, and service suspension records can be generated and collected during the service use process.
 4)"Company" shall not collect information such as race, origin, domicile, thought, political orientation, criminal records, health status, etc. that may infringe upon the basic human rights of users, except in accordance with the user's consent or statutes.
 5)"Company" shall enable membership if they are 14 years of age or older, and shall not collect personal information of children under the age of 14 who require consent from legal representatives to collect and use personal information.
 6) "Company" may collect personal information in the following ways:
fi Homepage (member registration, bulletin board, etc.), mobile applications, faxes, phone calls, customer center inquiries, event entries
fi Automatic collection through the generative information collection tool"
  ① Homepage (member registration, bulletin board, etc.), mobile applications, faxes, phone calls, customer center inquiries, event entries
  ②Automatic collection through the generative information collection tool

 2. Providing personal information to third parties
In principle, the company does not provide users' personal information to the outside world. Except in cases where the user agrees to provide the user's personal information (e.g., address and contact information) to a specific third party (e.g., textbook delivery company) for a specific purpose (e.g., for investigative purposes), or where the investigative agency requests according to the procedures and methods prescribed by law.

 3. Personal information retention and use period
  a. The "Company" may keep the information provided at the time of membership entry to the date of application for withdrawal from the membership. In principle, after the membership withdrawal processing is completed, member personal information is completely deleted from the "Company" hard disk, and in the case of a document, the document is shredded into a shredder so that it cannot be used for any purpose.
  b. However, if it is necessary to preserve it in accordance with the provisions of the relevant statutes, "Company" shall keep member information for a certain period as prescribed by the relevant statutes as follows:
   1) When individually agreed by the members, the promised retention period
   2) Evidence of preservation: Consumer Protection Act in e-commerce, etc., Communications Secrets Protection Act
   3) Retention period:
    Records of contract or withdrawal of subscription (E-Commerce Act): 5 years
    Records on the supply of services such as payment and goods (E-Commerce Act): 5 years
    Records on consumer complaints or dispute handling (E-Commerce Act): 3 years
    Records of access (Communication Secret Protection Act): 3 months

 4. Members' rights and methods of exercise
  a. A member may at any time request that he/she read, modify personal information and withdraw from the membership regarding the following matters:
   1) The personal information of the members held by the "Company"
   2) Details provided by the "Company" to third parties using user's personal information
   3) Details of agreement to collect, use, and provide personal information to the "Company"
  b. Members can view and correct their own information directly from the "Company" service, and separately request the person in charge of personal information to read and correct personal information through writing, phone, email, etc.
  d. Members may request the suspension of their personal information processing at any time.
  e. A member may withdraw his/her expression of his/her intention to collect, use, or provide personal information at any time when he/she signs up as a member (withdrawsince he/she has agreed upon the collection, use, and provision of personal information.
  f. If a member withdraws his/her consent (resigns from the membership) or contacts the person in charge of personal information through written, telephone, or e-mail, he/she shall take necessary measures such as destroying the user's personal information without delay. However, even if there is a withdrawal of consent (member withdrawal), the minimum information will be kept according to the relevant statutes.

 5. Matters concerning the installation/operation and refusal of an automatic collection device for personal information;
  a. "Company" uses a "cookie" that stores and retrieves members' information from time to time. "Cookie" is a small package of data that the server sends to your web browser when using the website and is stored on the hard disk of the member's computer. "Company" uses "cookie" for the following purposes:
  1) Purpose of use:
   Maintaining access to users
   Target marketing and personalized services are provided by analyzing the frequency of users' access and visit times, identifying users' tastes and interests, tracking their tracks, and identifying the degree of participation in various events and the number of visits.
  2) Users have the option of installing "cookie" and can choose to allow all "cookie" by setting options in their web browser, go through verification whenever "cookie" is saved, or refuse to save all "cookie"

 6. Technical/Management Measures for the Protection of Personal Information
  a. The member's personal information is thoroughly protected by password, and only he/she knows the password that matches the email address he/she provided. Therefore, it is only possible to check and change personal information by yourself who knows the password.
  b. The member shall not tell anyone his/her password to anyone. To do this, "Company" recommends that you log out (LOG-OUT) online and exit your web browser by default after you finish using your PC.
  c. The technical/management measures for the protection of personal information of "Company" are as follows:
   1) Encryption device for personal information that authenticates oneself, such as passwords, among the collected personal information
   2) Installation, update, and inspection of vaccine software to prevent personal information infringement by computer viruses
   3) Access control system using the establishment, management, and intrusion prevention system of the personal information system
   4) Establishing and training the designation and authority of the person handling personal information, and safe management of personal information

 7. Name, contact, and department of the person in charge of personal information management
 The "Company" has a person in charge of personal information management to protect users' personal information and handle complaints related to personal information. If you have any questions regarding personal information, please contact the person in charge below.
 Name: Manager Lee Hyun-hae
 Affiliated: Is Communications Co., Ltd.
 Contact: 051-731-6601
 E-mail: hk910336@iscom.co.kr

If you need counseling on other personal information violations, you can contact the Korea Information Security Agency, the Internet Crime Investigation Center of the Supreme Prosecutors' Office, and the Cyber Terror Response Center of the National Police Agency.
  a. Korea Information Security Agency (1336)
  b. Internet Crime Investigation Center of the Supreme Prosecutors' Office (02-3480-3600)
  c. National Police Agency Cyber Terror Response Center (02-392-0330)

 8. Duties of notice
 Any addition, deletion, or modification of contents in the current privacy policy will be notified through the notice on the "Company" site seven days prior to the implementation date of the change. However, we will notify you of any changes that are important to the members' rights or obligations at least 30 days in advance.

 Announcement date: March 16, 2020
 Date of implementation: March 23, 2020

This privacy policy is an English translation of the Korean privacy policy. This effect is only used as a reference. As it is the original Korean version, English translation is not legally effective.