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ISCommunications Co., Ltd.President Park Sang-Wook
Telesales No.: 2021-Busan Sasang-gu-0833
Business Registration : 605-81-38256 No.1010, Busan Digital Valley, 303, Daedong-ro, Sasang-gu, Busan, Rep. of Korea
Tel : 051-731-6601| Fax : 051-731-6604
ⓒ 2016 by Iscommunications.Co.,Ltd.
All Rights Reserved.

※ 본 기술은 정부의 스마트상점 기술보급사업
으로 지원 받아 제작

Article 1 (purpose)
The terms and conditions (hereinafter referred to as the terms and conditions) are intended to stipulate rights, obligations, responsibilities, and other necessary matters with respect to the use of products and services provided by Is Communications Co., Ltd. The company also provides a variety of services covered by these terms and conditions, including the following.
1. Software (e.g., i-Pro and i-Pro Producer)
2. Public platforms (e.g., O-Pen.tv)
3. Closed platforms (e.g., dodio.co.kr)

Article 2 (Define of terms)
1. Definition of terms used in this Agreement are as follows:
a. Service: the type of device and the means of all the available services provided by the company, regardless, and then check the error on the features, including beta (Beta) or service prerelease form of the public to receive feedback (Feedback) users' .
b. Members: By agreeing to these Terms and Conditions to access the services of the company signed the contract with the company and means a more than 14 years old can continue to use the information and services offered by the company.
c. User: Subject to these Terms by accessing the services of the company refers to non-members and members who use the services provided by the company.
d. Uploader: connect to the company's services or private organizations that provide or sell to upload content.
e. Audience: people use the uploader to upload content for a fee or free of charge.
f. Use Agreement: The terms and conditions, including the related services refers to all contracts concluded between the company and its members.
g. Termination: refers to the company or members of the contract termination.
h. Content: The members means such as knowledge related videos and other related information provided by or watch by accessing the services of the company. Whether the knowledge of the relevant content is determined exclusively company.
i. Content class is a bundle of content.
2. The terms used in these terms and conditions shall be governed by the relevant statutes and the guidelines for each service, and other general practices shall apply.

Article 3 (Effect and Change)
1. This Agreement shall become effective by posting the details on the company's website or otherwise notifying the members.
2. The company may change the terms and conditions without notice to the extent that they do not violate the relevant laws, such as the Regulation of Terms and Conditions Act, the Information and Communication Network Act (hereinafter referred to as the Information and Communication Network Act).
3. "The member shall regularly visit the website to check the changes in the terms and conditions. The company shall not be responsible for damages caused by the failure to know information about the changed terms and conditions. However, in the case of amendments to the terms and conditions that are disadvantageous to the members, they shall be notified separately by electronic means such as e-mail, note, or consent form upon login. If the member does not agree to the changed terms and conditions, he/she may request the member to withdraw. If you continue to use the service after the effective date of the changed Terms and Conditions, you will be deemed to have agreed to the terms and conditions."
If the member does not agree to the changed terms and conditions, he/she may request the member to withdraw. If you continue to use the service after the effective date of the changed Terms and Conditions, you will be deemed to have agreed to the terms and conditions.

Article 4 (Non-Terms and Conditions)
The company may, if necessary, set individual terms and conditions or operating principles (hereinafter referred to as "guidelines for each service") for each item in the service, and the members shall be deemed to have agreed to each service at the same time as membership. If the terms and conditions of this Agreement and the information provided by Service conflict, the information provided by Service shall be applied preferentially.

Article 5 (Closing a contract for use)
1. A service contract is concluded by a person who intends to become a member (hereinafter referred to as an applicant) who agrees to the terms and conditions, and then applies for membership and the company approves such an application.
2. In principle, the company shall accept the application of the applicants in an automated and computerized manner. However, the company may not accept any of the following applications or terminate the service contract afterwards:
a. Except where the applicant has previously lost his membership under these terms and conditions, he/she has obtained consent to rejoin the company.
b. In case it is not his real name or he uses another person's name
c. In case false information is entered or the company does not provide any information.
d. Where a child under the age of 14 does not obtain consent from his legal representative (parent, etc.)
e. Where an approval is impossible due to reasons attributable to the user or an application is filed in violation of all other matters prescribed by the user
3. In the application under paragraph (1), the company may request real name verification and self-certification through a specialized institution depending on the type of member.
4. In the event of a failure in the provision of the company's services, or lack of room for service-related facilities, or a reasonable reason including inspection due to site reorganization, the company may suspend the application until the reasons are resolved.
5. The service contract shall be established when the company marks the completion of the subscription in the application process.
For the convenience of the members, the company may store the members' usage information comprehensively and provide personalized services according to the members' usage information.
6. The user is responsible for managing email and passwords. The user shall be responsible for damages caused by the use of services caused by neglecting such management or illegal use by third parties, and the company shall not be responsible for such damages unless the company intends to do so or makes mistakes.
7. For the convenience of the members, the company may store the members' usage information comprehensively and provide personalized services according to the members' information.

Article 6 (Time of commencement and use of services)
1. The service will commence immediately after the company approves the application under Article 5.
2. In principle, the service shall be provided 24 hours a day, 24 hours a day, 24 hours a day, unless there are any business or technical problems or other special reasons.
3. Service use may be restricted for all or part of the service, except in case of service interruption or other reasons such as service maintenance, replacement, failure, disruption of communication, or excessive use of the service.

Article 7 (Enter and Change Member Information)
1. The member shall record his/her real name and email address according to the instructions when signing up. If your real name and email address are incorrect, you will be restricted from using the service or exercising your rights as a consumer.
2. Members can view and edit their personal information at any time through the Personal Information Management screen. However, it is not possible to modify the e-mail address, real name, etc. necessary for service management.
3. If any changes are made at the time of application for membership, the member shall revise the information in the service or notify the company of the change by email or inquiry counter.
4. The company shall not be responsible for any disadvantages caused by not informing the company of the changes under paragraph 3.

Article 8 (Personal information protection obligation)
The company strives to protect the members' personal information as prescribed by relevant statutes, such as the Information and Communication Network Act. The relevant laws and the company's privacy policy apply to the protection and use of personal information. However, the company's privacy policy does not apply to linked sites other than services provided directly by the company.

Article 9 (Members' obligation to manage information)
1. The member shall be responsible for managing the member's email address and password, and shall not be allowed to use it by third parties.
2. The company may restrict the use of a member's e-mail address if the member's e-mail address is likely to leak personal information, violate the social or public morals, or mistake him/her as the operator of the company or service.
3. If the member recognizes that the email address and password are stolen or used by a third party, he/she shall immediately notify the company and follow the company's instructions.
4. In the case of paragraph (3), the company shall not be liable for any disadvantages caused by failure to comply with the company's instructions even if the member concerned fails to notify the company of such fact or notifies it.

Article 10 (Notification to Members)
If the company notifies the member, he/she may notify the member of the service, e-mail, etc. unless otherwise stipulated in this Agreement.

Article 11 (Restriction of service use)
The company may restrict the use of the service if the user commits any of the following acts:

a. Failure to perform an obligation under Article 13
In case someone's e-mail address and password are stolen
b. In case of intentional interference with the operation of the service
c. In case of deliberately disseminating content that is detrimental to public order and public morals
d. Where it is deemed that a user is using the service for a purpose that would undermine the national or social public interest or for criminal purposes
e. In the event of an act that damages the reputation or disadvantages
f. In case the service is intentionally damaged by exploiting the purchase policy, etc. of the service or hindering the sound use of the service, such as posting viral infectious data
g. In the event it is deemed that another user or third party's intellectual property rights may be infringed or that the intellectual property rights may be claimed to have been infringed
h. In the event of war, incident, natural disaster, or a possible national emergency, or any inevitable reason exists, such as the suspension of telecommunication services by the Telecommunications Business Act, etc.
i. If the contents uploaded by the user do not conform to the policies and images of this service or are deemed inappropriate due to social conventional wisdom
j. Where it is deemed that the contents uploaded by the user are not for sharing or selling purposes

Article 12 (Company's Duty)
1. The company does not prohibit or violate the law and these terms and conditions, and does its best to provide services continuously and reliably.
2. The company shall establish a security system to protect personal information (including credit information) so that members can use the service safely, and shall disclose and comply with the policy for handling personal information handling policy.
3. If the company deems that the opinions or complaints raised by the members regarding the use of the service are justified, it shall deal with them. The opinions and complaints raised by the members are communicated to the members through the inquiry counter in service, notification in service, notes in service, etc.

Article 13 (Members' obligations)
1. The member shall not do the following:
a. Registration of false information upon application or modification
b. Use other's information
c. Change information posted by the company
d. Send or post information (computer programs, etc.) other than information determined by the company
e. Violation of intellectual property rights, such as copyrights of the company and other third parties;
f. Damage to the reputation of the company and other third parties or obstructing business;
g. Disclosure or publication of obscene or violent messages, images, voice, or other information against public notice in the service;
h. Use of services for profit-making purposes beyond the purpose of the service;
2. The member shall comply with the relevant laws, the provisions of these terms and conditions, the cautions announced by the company regarding the use guide and service, and shall not interfere with the company's business.

Article 14 (Providing services)
1. The company provides the following services to its members:
a. Content delivery service
b. Various education-related services
c. Content creation tool delivery service
d. Content production support service
e. All services that other companies provide to members through additional development or partnership agreements with other companies.
2. In principle, the service shall be operated 24 hours a day, 24 hours a day, 24 hours a year, unless there is a problem with the company's business or technology.
3. The company may separately set the hours available for some services. In this case, it will be notified through the service information.

Article 15 (Provisions of paid services)
1. All services are free of charge to members except those marked separately.
2. The fee and payment method for paid services shall be in accordance with the regulations specified in the service.

Article 16 (Refund Regulations)
1. (software) You can get a refund within 7 days, and the license key will be automatically retrieved online.
2. The (service) refund standard is as follows.
a. The usage fee is calculated on a monthly basis from the date of service purchase.
b. In the case of services including basic fees, the basic fee is not refunded, and the remaining period will be refunded on a daily basis excluding the basic fee.
c. Refund application date is considered the number of days of use.
3. Members must express their intention to the company through a refund or change in the service, and the company receives a refund request and checks the member's request and refund regulations before proceeding with the refund process without delay. The company is not responsible for the time it takes for payment agencies or credit card companies to cancel the payment.
4. Once termination and refund are completed, the company can delete the account at any time, and after deletion, all of the writings, photos, various files, links, and digital content created with the account are deleted, and the company is not responsible for recovering it.

Article 17 (posts of members)
1. Post refers to posts, photos, various files and links, digital contents, etc. posted by members while using the service.
2. In the event of damage or other problems caused by a member's registration with the service, the member shall be fully responsible for such damage or other problems, and the company shall not be held responsible for such damage.
3. The company may take relevant measures, such as suspending, modifying, deleting, moving, or refusing to register any of the following posts without prior consent of the members:
a. In the event of a serious insult or damage to another member or third party;
b. disseminate or link to information that violates public order and public morals;
c. In the event that it encourages illegal copying or hacking;
d. In the case of content that is objectively recognized as being associated with a crime;
e. In the case of infringement of other rights, such as copyrights of other users or third parties;
f. In the event that the company does not conform to the nature of the service, with the contents of personal political judgment or religious opinion;
g. In the event that it violates the company's regulations or does not conform to the nature of the bulletin board;
h. Where it is deemed to be in violation of other relevant statutes;
4. The company may temporarily suspend posting of a post if it receives a request from a third party for defamation or infringement of intellectual property rights. If the legal issue regarding the post is closed through litigation or agreement, the posting may be re-posted.
5. If a member cancels the service contract, the posts registered by the member will not be automatically deleted, and only some of them will be anonymized if necessary.

Article 18 (editing and deleting information)
In any of the following cases, the company may request to add, modify, change, or delete it through consultation with the uploader: However, if the uploader is deemed inappropriate to go through prior consultation procedures, such as a clear violation of policy or illegality, the company may add, modify, change, or delete the uploader without prior approval, and notify the uploader by e-mail.
1. In case information such as categories of contents uploaded by uploaders is deemed inappropriate;
2. If the title, uploader profile image, thumbnail image, etc. related to the content are not in compliance with the company's policy or are deemed inappropriate in the conventional sense of society;
3. In case the contents, operation details, or contents of the content do not comply with the company's policy;

Article 19 (Copyrights to Posts)
1. Copyright or other intellectual property rights to posts or works prepared by the Company shall be vested in the Company.
2. In principle, the copyright of the posts posted within the service shall be attributed to the members who have posted them. However, the company may use the posts registered by the members free of charge for the purpose of operating, exhibiting, transmitting, distributing, and promoting the service.
3. If the digital content posted by a member is illegally copied by another person without the member's consent and conflicts with the interests of the member as well as the company, the company may exercise intellectual property rights on behalf of the member. However, in such cases, the company shall seek individual consent from the members.
4. If the company intends to use a member's post for purposes other than paragraph 2 of this Article, it shall use it with the consent of the member in advance.

Article 20 (Providing information and publishing advertisements)
1. The company may provide members with information that is deemed necessary to use the service through e-mail, mail, SMS, phone, etc. In addition, the member may refuse to receive e-mail at any time, except for procedures for the performance of duties imposed on the company, customer inquiries, and other transaction-related information.
2. The company can post advertisements through service screens, mail, SMS, etc. in connection with the operation of the service. A member who receives an e-mail containing an advertisement may refuse to receive it, and the company provides the member with a way to refuse the receipt.
3. The company may collect additional personal information in accordance with relevant laws and regulations with the consent of the members for the purpose of improving service and promoting service introduction to the members.

Article 21 (Advertising)
1. The member agrees with the advertisement that is exposed when using the service.
2. The company shall not be responsible for any loss or damage caused by members participating in, communicating, or making transactions with advertisers on the service..

Article 22 (Termination of Contract)
1. A member may apply for termination of a service contract (withdrawal) at any time through the inquiry function within the service, and the company shall immediately deal with the termination of the service contract as prescribed by the relevant laws, etc.
2. If a member cancels the contract, all information of the member shall be extinguished immediately, except if the company holds the member information in accordance with the relevant laws and the policy of handling policies.

Article 23 (Prohibition and prevention of illegal use)
1. The company shall view any of the following cases as fraudulent use:
a. Concurrent connections occur on two or more PCs with the same account
b. You use the service on multiple PCs or IPs with the same account.
c. If other people use services such as their own accounts and contents,
d. The act of selling, lending, transferring, and advertising services such as his account and contents to others;
e. When using the service, running a replication program, or recording or attempting to record it.
f. If you receive a refund through a third party and continue to use the paid service without notifying the company.
2. If a user is found to be a fraudulent user under the preceding paragraph, the company shall force the user to withdraw and the company's law shall be enforced.
3. Charges and civil lawsuits can be carried out through agents.
4. The member shall not request an extension or refund of the service period, citing the measures referred to in subparagraph 2 of the preceding paragraph.
5. The member may, if there is any objection to the action under paragraph (2) of this Article from the Company, explain it through the Company's legal representative.
6. Identifying and blocking fraudulent use
a. The company checks whether there is any illegal use based on the data collected by the member while using the service.
b. The company may force the user to terminate the service access if the user runs a replication program or concurrently connects to the same account while using the service.

Article 24 (Exemptions)
1. If the company is unable to provide services due to natural disasters or equivalent force majeure, it will be exempted from responsibility for providing services.
2. The company shall not be responsible for any disruption in service use due to reasons attributable to members (including the use of unsupported environments).
3. The company shall not be held responsible for the information, data, reliability, and accuracy of facts posted by the members in connection with the service.
4. The company shall be exempted from responsibility for any problems caused by the transaction between members or between members and third parties.
5. The company shall not be held liable unless otherwise provided in the relevant laws regarding the use of free services.
6. The company does not guarantee the reliability and accuracy of information, data, and facts posted on the service by a content provider or a member, and does not take responsibility for damages caused by the service.
7. The company shall not be responsible for any errors such as information or certificates provided by the members based on the information provided differently from the facts.

Article 25 (Resolution of Disputes)
These terms and conditions shall be prescribed and implemented by the laws of the Republic of Korea, and any dispute between the company and its members regarding the use of the service shall be the court in charge of the address of the company.

Article 26 (Applicable to regulations)
Matters not specified in these terms and conditions shall be governed by the relevant statutes, and those not specified in the law shall be governed by convention.

※ These terms and conditions include matters concerning the consent to receive commercial information for profit.

These Terms and Conditions will take effect on March 20, 2020.